



Intelligence, Defense, Law Enforcement Fusion

"To win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the acme of skills. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skills." – The Art of War, Sun Tzu.

"When campaigning, be swift as the wind; in leisurely march, majestic as the forest; in attack, like fire; in standing, firm as the mountains. As unfathomable as the clouds, move like a thunderbolt to protect the weak." -- Adapted from Sun Tzu. "The Art of War"

After 20 years of advocacy and policy development work through Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA), the Humanitarian Intervention Initiative (H-II) was established to support strategic planning, development and stabilization of humanitarian emergencies that were beyond the operational capacities of the United Nations, non-governmental and relief organizations. This included optimization of defense logistics and resource capabilities, as well as expanding special protective forces for humanitarian operations, through H-II OPSEC - Intelligence, Defense, Law Enforcement Fusion.
  • H-II OPSEC: Redefining a Global Security Support System: Spotlight in Journal of Special Operations Medicine: JSOM ABC's, 15 April 2013.
  • Why We Fight Now (Youtube): Documentary about U.S. Army Special Forces roles in current and future fights.   Url: www.whywefightnow.com

In The Spotlight

Great year-end report from national hero Stephen M. Apatow. -- Stan M.

Stephen, no one synthesizes the global and local threat landscape and the dangers we face better than you. Thank you for including my work and I appreciate your insights. May peace thrive! - Farhana Qazi, Founder of Global Insights, LLC and Fellow at the Center for Global Policy. Farhana is the first Muslim woman to work for the U.S. government's Counterterrorism Center.


Stephen M. Apatow
CEO, Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)
H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations

Telephone: 203-668-0282 
Email: s.m.apatow@H-II.org
Internet: www.H-II.org
Instagram: HIIOPSEC
InfraGard: FBI ID  10076335
Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Constituent:
U.S. Department of State.

Focus Areas

  • Security: Risk Management
  • Explosives Threat Analysis
  • Chemical and Biological Incidents
  • Protective Counterintelligence, Countermeasures
  • Security and Access Control Vulnerabilities
  • Defense Against Chemical, Biological, Radiological Hazards
  • Incident Response
  • Operational Medicine
OPSEC Professional Development


Anti-Terrorism Officer Course; S2 Institute: December 2011.
Legal Aspects of  Combating Terrorism:  NATO: JADL, March 2012.
IED Awareness: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Principles of Counterinsurgency (COIN):  NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Definitions, Dimensions and Categories of Terrorism :  NATO: JADL, October 2012.
Defense Against Suicide Bombing: NATO: JADL, October 2012.


Fundamentals of CBRN Defence:  NATO: JADL, April 2012.


Space Support: NATO: JADL, January 2013

Exploitation Analysis

Cyber Defense: NATO: JADL, November 2012.
Certified Biometrics Security Professional - Engineer Program: Saifirst Corporation, November 2012.

Certified Counterintelligence Threat Analyst: McAfee Inst, Jan 2015.

Human Trafficking

Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Human Trafficking: Causes, Consequences, Counter-Strategies: NATO: JADL, October 2012.

Maritime Interdiction Operational Training

MIO's Orientation - Units Preparation for MIOs: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, August 2012.
MIO Execution: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, August 2012.
Boarding Team Tactical Planning (MTP): NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.
Boarding Team Psychology: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.
Suspect Vessel's Crew Psychology: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.
Boarding Execution: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.


Major Incident Medical Management (MIMMS): NATO: JADL, April 2012.
NATO/Partner Senior Medical Staff Officers' Course (SMSOC) Module: : NATO: JADL, May 2012.
Medical Response in Hostile Environments: Medical Corps, November 2005.

Member: Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA).

Current: Director, Research & Policy Development: Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA):  Humanitarian University Consortium  Graduate Studies Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law (2000-Present), NAVLE:USMLE 1-2 (Prep: 2002), ACLS (82), EMT-B (80).

Mountain Operations

Dangers and Risks in the Mountains: Slovenia Armed Forces ADL, NATO: JADL, May 2012.
Survival Skills in the Mountains: Slovenia Armed Forces ADL, NATO: JADL, May 2012.


Commander and Staff in Comprehensive Operations Planning & Decision-Making: NATO: JADL, July 2012.
Comprehensive Operations Training Course: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Multinational Crisis Management: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Critical Infrastructure Awareness: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Rapid Response Team Expert Training: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
NATO: JADL, April 2012.
NATO: Civil Emergency Planning: NATO JADL, September2012.
NATO Resource Support to Operations: NATO JADL, March 2013.
Peace Keeping
Peace Support Operations:  NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Peace Keeping Techniques: NATO: JADL, April 2012.
Crowd and Riot Control (CRC): NATO: JADL, May 2012.
Conflict Management and Negotiation (v.2): NATO: JADL, May 2012.

Weapons Certification

Advanced Skills Handgun 2 Day: Academi, October 2012.

Pistol 101, 102, 103:  D. Devlin, USSOF, May 2015.
Rifle 101, 102, 103: D. Devlin, USSOF, May 2015.

Special Operations

Intro to NATO Special Operations, NSTEP, May 2012
Fundamentals of NATO
Special Operations Component Command Operations: NSTEP, May 2012.


Combined Joint Forces Special Operations Component Command Operations Staff Officer: JADL, January 2013.


Human Intelligence for Law Enforcement:  S2 Institute: August 2013.
Human Intelligence for Special Operations Personnel: S2 Institute: July 2013.
WMD & The Intelligence Function: S2 Institute: July 2013.


Humanitarian Resource Institute
Founder: Director of Research and Development
Url: www.humanitarian.net

The mission of Humanitarian Resource Institute is to "Bridge Unmet Needs to Untapped Resources." This objective is accomplished through strategic planning, critical analysis, expert think tank development for background discussions, peer reviewed data compilation and communications that engage decision makers and target audiences on the grassroots level in 193 United Nations member countries.

The Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Law serves as (1) an international community of scholars, (2) a bridge between Humanitarian Resource Institute and the international academic community, (3) a think tank in support of the United Nations programs and (4) the promotion of higher learning through both traditional and distance education. 

In the publication " Biological Threats and Terrorism, Assessing the Science and Response Capabilities: Workshop Summary ," the National Academy of Sciences has recognized Humanitarian Resource Institute (HRI) as one of nine leading educational and research institutions. These include:

  • Center for Nonproliferation Studies.
  • Columbia University: Center for Public Health Preparedness.
  • Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
  • Humanitarian Resource Institute.
  • Johns Hopkins University: Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Center for International Studies.
  • National Academy of Sciences.
  • University of Maryland: Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland.
  • University of Minnesota: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.


Key Note Speaker

  • The Future of Biodetection Systems: The Future of Biodetection Systems Workshop was held to bring together industry, academia, national labs, and federal agency personnel in an interactive process, to develop a roadmap for research and development investment in biodetection.  Sponsored by Los Alamos National Laboratory, September 26 & 27, 2006. -- Keynote: DNA-based Detection Technologies (Powerpoint): Stephen M.Apatow, Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Law.
  • AVBC: 8th Annual Meeting: Contingency Planning Discussion on Biosecurity: Association of Veterinary Biologics Companies, Keynotes: Stephen M. Apatow, David L. Huxsoll,  David Kim, Daniel T. Ruth,  5 November 2003.



  1. What Every SOF Medic Should Know About Agroterrorism – Part I:  Kathleen Dunn Farr, MD, Journal of Special Operations Medicine, Fall 2007.
  2. Agroterrorism: Minimizing the Consequences of Intentionally Introduced Foreign Animal Disease: Major James P. Dykes: United States Army, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, AY 2010. DTIC.

Discussion Papers


  1. The Worried Well: Strategies for Installation Commanders: Fran Pilch, USAF Institute for National Security Studies, 2005. DTIC.

Pathobiologics International
Founder: Director of Research and Development
Url: www.pathobiologics.org

Pathobiologics International is a global reference point for biodefense through the nonprofit organization Humanitarian Resource Institute. Current projects include the internet based Biodefense Reference Library, Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Center, Bioinformatics: Pathobiological Diagnostics Center and Biodefense Legal Reference Library. Educational resource development for the veterinary and medical community include the Foreign Animal Disease Online Course and the Zoonotic Disease Online Review. To enhance collaboration between Humanitarian Resource Institute and the international community of scholars, the Humanitarian University Consortium was formed to enhance the development of initiatives associated with economic, social, cultural and humanitarian issues worldwide.

Educational Materials: Online Distance Education

  • Continuing Education: Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA), Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law.

Stephen M. Apatow: Referenced

ProMED: International Society for Infectious Diseases


  1. 18 Jan 2003 PRO/AH> Announcements 2003 (01):  [1] FAO/WHO/OIE Electronic Conference on VPH and Control of Zoonoses, [2] Foreign Animal Disease Online Course.
  2. 22 Nov 2003  PRO/ALL> Announcements 2003 (08): Humanitarian Univ. Consort: Humanitarian University Consortium focuses on graduate studies in law, medicine and veterinary medicine.


  1. ProMED-mail. The informal sector and Emerging Disease Detection. The role of an internet based early warning system. Marjorie P. Pollack, MD. Associate Editor/Epidemiology & Surveillance Moderator, Moderator, IMED 2007.


World Veterinary Association

Sports Medicine & Science Institute
Founder: Director of Research and Development
Url: www.esportsmedicine.org

The Sports Medicine & Science Institute was established to support research and development in the fields of biomechanics and exercise physiology. Specialized work includes International Dancescience Development, Armed Forces Development , Olympic and Sports Development , Equestrian Rider Programs and Sporthorse Development. Specialized consultancy work, in the field of orthopedics, includes Scoliosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Friedreich Ataxia and Multiple Sclerosis.


  • Sharpening the Tactical Athlete: Armed Forces Development, Sports Medicine & Science Institute.
  • JudoSport International: Martial arts training system integrating classical biomechanics into judo, ju_jitsu and mixed martial arts disciplines.  Classical choreographic training used to provide a foundation for sports such as skating and gymnastics, is integrated into optimization of skill development, flexibility, economy of energy and balance.

SMAMEDIA™  Communications
Founder: Director of Research and Development
Url: www.smamedia.com

SMAMEDIA™ COMMUNICATIONS specializes in research, identification of the target audience and effective integration of resources such as telecommunications, direct mail, newspaper, radio, television and internet to achieve our communications objective.  Operations Include:
  • Online Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Public Affairs
  • Web Development
Projects Overview






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